How To Rethink Samskaras (Old Beliefs)


I used to have a full head of curls (courtesy of regular perms). But about five years ago, I started foregoring the perm to embrace my naturally wavy hair!

That’s where this story begins. 

Growing out a salon enhancement is a long process that leaves an unmistakable sharp line defining “what was” and “what’s emerging.”

And it’s in the in between the two where I had my a-ha moment. 

When I was five years old, I was invited to attend kindergarten for a day with my friend.  I was BEYOND excited - and I remember the night before, my mom put pin curls in my hair to prepare!

The day I visited was kindergarten picture day.  

And when it was my turn for the picture, the teacher said, “I absolutely adore your curls! You look beautiful!”

Now, this happened in the late 1950’s - meaning, this was a different time from now. 

Where I grew up, it was considered best to toughen children up by not “spoiling” them with flattery or adoration - especially girls. The goal was to teach HUMILITY. 

Honestly, this compliment was the first time I remember thinking, “Is it possible? Am I really beautiful?”

That teacher left a lasting impression on me.  

And as I was struggling in the in-between of growing out my perm, I could feel into that first moment of being seen as beautiful…

“Is it possible that I’d been seeking beauty by keeping my hair curly - for 50+ years?” 


In yoga we learn that “samskaras” are unconscious beliefs that can produce unconscious actions. And old samskaras (or, old unconscious beliefs) have the power to move us away from our greater truths.

I had been holding the unconscious belief that my beauty was tied to my curly hair! 

Now that I can see the source of this samskara, I can more fully align with the truth: It doesn’t matter if my hair is curly or straight, at the core of me, I’m beautiful!

But gosh, it’s taken a lot of work to get here. 

Here’s what I want you to know (and ponder): Each time you’re presented with a familiar situation (one you’ve experienced before)… 

You have the opportunity to react differently and review old beliefs or create new ones. 

That’s what I’m doing now. 

(And honestly, staying home the last few months has given me the time and circumstances to see lots of edges in my life and to explore the stories behind those edges… maybe you’re experiencing that, too.)  

With deep gratitude for all my teachers (especially that sweet kindergarten teacher who told me I was beautiful!) - NAMASTE.

Love, Kathie

P.S. If you’d like to take a joy-filled yoga class with me, go to (+ scroll down on the Classes tab to “Schedule”) to sign up for my Wednesday or Saturday morning class!


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